Volleyball Tours to Europe and Brazil

Volleyball Tours to Europe and Brazil
Volleyball Tours to Europe and Brazil
Volleyball Tours
to Europe and Brazil
Tours for Junior age (U12 - U20) and Adult (21+) Volleyball Players
Highline College Brazil Tour Newsletter
Newsletter #1
WEATHER… from LAST YEAR'S trip what to expect
We experienced HOT temperatures 85-90 degrees everyday. Be sure to remember your sun-block.... and to use it. Remember the worst sunburn that you ever got..... and remember you swore you would never do that again... until the next time you did the same thing..... you WILL definitely burn your buns.... in RIO ... (and possibly ruin your trip) if you don't use your sun-block.
This is a "reminder" about not bringing too much luggage... Swim suits and shorts are really all that are needed....
1. I will be mailing you 2 luggage tags (one for your check in and one for your carry on backpack).
2. Please be sure to give Chris or me your cell phone number for communications while on the tour … We will be using WhatsApp application,
3. Send me a photo (I need one from everyone anyway for our emergency file ) .. You will be able to find me....
These are some of the "thoughts" from one of our previous trips ...and not a direct flight to Rio.. (this will not happen this year.... it is only a "story")
We arrived into SAO PAULO, prior to arriving into RIO, (I must confess that this "stop" was quite a surprise to me the first time I flew to RIO.... It was not listed on my itinerary.... The plane landed, as we taxied up to the airport the pilot said "welcome to Sao Paulo, Brazil".... "all passengers must now depart" .... but ... but I want to go to RIO I though to myself.... I tried to ask the flight attendants "what do we do if we want to go to RIO"? .... they said "they did not know this was their first time to Brazil...." as I reluctantly de-boarded the security of the plane that was to take me to RIO... I encountered an official looking young man and asked he "what do we do if we want to go to RIO"?... in his best Portuguese .... he told me and pointed down the hallway where the other passengers were going.... So ... like a lemming marching to the sea..... I followed them. Fortunately we "lemmings" did not end up jumping off the cliff into the ocean .. we ended up walking into the Public area of the airport.... which meant that we had to go back through the security system once again.... After clearing security ....I started to look around for an airline departure monitor to find our my options to get to RIO.... as I was looking around, I started to recognize several of the same people that were on our Atlanta to RIO flight (actually it was quite easy ... they had the same "what the hell just happened to us" look on their face that I had). There we were, about 20 of us, non-Portuguese speaking, lost, tired travelers with a "what the hell just happened to us look on our face" standing with our necks craned back in front of the monitor trying to figure out what to do next. Just as we (collectively) figured out that the "continuation" of our flight was posted onto the monitor.... a voice came over the loudspeaker...... "United passengers on flight 93 to RIO are now boarding at gate 22". Once again .. lemming like ... we boarded our "continuation" flight to RIO.....
Drink lots of fluids, watch the first movie, talk with your new friends .. and then SLEEP ... We will have a full day ahead of us.
Our Hotel is the NEW Arena Hotel...
Arena Leme Hotel
Avenida Atlantica 324,
Leme, Rio de Janeiro 22010-000, Brazil
I use EXCLUSIVELY the ATM machines.. It worked WONDERFUL. No standing in lines, no walking around “looking for the BEST RATE”, no translation problems, no extra charges, (I think I was charged $1..50 for each of my transactions) and received a GREAT exchange rate by my bank. I would HIGHLY recommend using an ATM card while on tour (it will need to say Cirrus or Plus or Interlink on the back). These cards have a 4 number pin. Contact your bank to tell them you are going to Brazil... You should do this for two reasons... 1. they know you are out of the country and will be using your credit cards and ATM cards while away.... (If you do not do this.... sometimes they will suspend the use of it until they can contact you...) 2. to ask if your ATM card is good for use in foreign ATM machines.
PLEASE if you have not done so sent to me the … Photo, Emergency contact information, Passport #,
More later …..